Mapping Progressive Political Power

In our Mapping Progressive Political Power webinar, WDN Action political strategy advisor Katrina Gamble spoke about the political landscape and the critical role of year-round organizing. Attendees also heard about the work of two WDN Action grantees: Chris Melody Fields Figueredo of the Ballot Initiative Strategy Center discussed the role that ballot initiatives can play in building power at the ballot box, and Dakota Hall with Leaders Igniting Transformation talked about organizing with young people of color around local elections that engage voters on issues that matter.

The Ballot Initiative Strategy Center (BISC) works to strengthen democracy by implementing a national progressive strategy for ballot measures that are rooted in building state-based power. BISC supports the use of ballot measures as a tool for transformational impact, not just in a measure’s outcomes, but at every stage of the process—from policy development, signature gathering, civic engagement, the campaign itself, implementation, and beyond. They believe in bringing communities into the work and leaving lasting infrastructure for continued social change. Check out their post-election analysis here.

Leaders Igniting Transformation (LIT) is a Black and Brown-led organization in Wisconsin that organizes young people to build independent political power for social, racial, and economic justice. LIT works to build homegrown leadership, expand access and opportunity, and promote an equitable society. Check out this powerful video from Brave New Films featuring their fight to stop the school to prison pipeline in Milwaukee.


Movement Meets Politics: The Power of c4 Funding


Spring Grantmaking