More than $3 Million in New Grants!

With the midterms looming, early resources are critical. So we're making a big investment and moving more than $3 million in funding this month to 20 organizations that are driving electoral organizing, narrative, and digital programs in critical geographies for 2022.

These latest grants reflect our commitment to long-term political power building in organizations that are led by BIPOC women and those focused on organizing women, young people, and communities of color.

Arizona has a strong and robust progressive ecosystem, and the organizations we’re funding are critical to landscape as they continue to organize youth, immigrants, and Black and Latinx people. Many are also engaged in democracy defense campaigns.

Instituto Power
Our Voice, Our Vote
Rural Arizona Action

North Carolina needs critical investments in both urban and rural areas, plus strengthened candidate recruitment and pipeline efforts. With a competitive U.S. Senate race, we're making a comprehensive investment in the state's electoral organizing ecosystem.

Carolina Federation
NCAAT in Action
Poder NC Action
Down Home NC

Anti-voter and anti-democracy efforts have been pushed in Pennsylvania since 2020, but organizations are fighting back. The state is also a major battleground for the U.S. Senate with an open seat and an open governor’s race. We are moving resources to three existing WDN Action grantees to support their work throughout the state:

CASA in Action PA
Make the Road PA

Georgia remains a battleground for voting rights, with many groups working to prevent further anti-voter, anti-democratic policies from the GOP-controlled state legislature. This month we're funding Asian American Advocacy Fund's work to build a politically conscious, engaged and progressive Asian American base in Georgia.

After years of anti-government, anti-labor, regressive policies pushed by the GOP, Wisconsin shifted to Democratic control in 2018. Continued investments in progressive infrastructure are needed to build and hold progressive power in the state. We're moving early investments to three groups doing critical work in advance of November:

LIT Action Fund
Freedom Action Now, Inc.
Voces de la Frontera Action

Early resources in Nevada will ensure that groups there have the capacity to continue to advance progressive policy wins and hold onto recent gains—and do the work needed to protect a vital U.S. Senate seat. This month’s grants include funding for Make It Work Nevada as they focus on reaching Black voters in Clark County in advance of November.


We're also moving critical resources to several national partners – including Advance Native Political Leadership, Care in Action, and others – that are working with state-based organizations and providing important capacity and progressive infrastructure, building the candidate pipeline, and responding to urgent needs.

Asian American Power Network
Advance Native Political Leadership Action Fund
Alliance for Youth Action
Care in Action


Abortion Bans and Minority Rule


Building Grassroots Indigenous Power