We Need Your Support for the Midterm Elections

We are so grateful for the collective power of this network and all we can accomplish together. And that is why we know we can step up in a major way before the November midterms.  

This year, WDN Action prioritized getting early resources to battleground states, while also investing in the important infrastructure that will bolster progressive movements beyond elections. We bring a unique gender and racial justice lens to our political giving, and we have already granted over $8 million in c4 funding this year. That’s incredible! 

Over the past few weeks, we’ve been buoyed by Mary Peltola’s win in Alaska’s special election, and reports that holding the House is not out of reach. We also know that no matter the outcomes of this election, we will continue to show up for our grantee partners because we know that the kind of deep change we are working for won’t happen in one election cycle. 

But even with these early resources, we’ve heard from our grantee partners across the country that they are facing significant budget gaps. From Arizona to Georgia, Nevada to Wisconsin, anchor organizations like LUCHA in Arizona or Asian American Advocacy Fund in Georgia will not be able to execute their plans to win this fall. They need our support to do everything from robust canvassing of new voters to persuasion mail and layered digital programs in competitive districts and targeted turnout programs.

We are working in coordination with our partners at Way to Win, Movement Voter Project, Committee on States, Democracy Alliance, and other allies to ensure that we are covering the map in must-win states and aligning in our efforts to move resources where they are needed most. We know that we can’t fill these gaps on our own, but together we can make a meaningful difference. 

If you haven’t made a contribution to WDN Action yet this year, now is the time.

If you have already funded WDN Action this year, will you consider making an
additional contribution?

The window is quickly closing to move additional funding before the midterms. Please join us. Make a contribution online today


More than $8 Million Moved So Far in 2022!


Deep Dive into Battleground States