Early Money Drives Political Possibilities

“Early money is like yeast” has become a mantra in politics. But when talking about early money, the conversation often ends with funding candidates. WDN Action is working to change that. 

Those who are invested in strengthening progressive political power know that early money is just as critical for the grassroots organizations transforming their communities. Beyond any one candidate or election cycle, they engage in year-round organizing to drive powerful issue advocacy and build toward progressive governing power. In the words of WDN Action Strategic Advisor Katrina Gamble:

“I’ve worked in the democracy field for decades. One thing that continues to be a challenge for organizations is raising resources early in the year to move their programs forward. Funders give grants a couple of months before a big election and say ‘create a deep, strategic community engagement strategy with this.’ It’s impossible. We need to fund organizations in January, December even, before major election years and continue funding them year over year so that they can do the kind of sustained long-term work that will actually make a difference.”

This is why we are prioritizing early resources to the field to protect and advance democracy and justice across our country. In March 2024, we mobilized more than $5.3 million to the field in our first round of WDN Action grants. This is a benchmark to celebrate, because moving as much as possible by April instead of in the last few months before an election – when the bulk of donors give – better prepares and resources our partners in the field. 

This early funding ensures that they can:

  1. Hire and train talented staff as early as possible as they lean full force into their electoral programs.

  2. Focus their time and energy on organizing rather than fundraising.

Our network is playing a pivotal role in mobilizing early resources and people power, and c4 dollars are an essential tool to drive political change. Together we are funding organizing in battleground states, protecting and advancing gender justice, and building infrastructure and capacity where it’s most needed. 

If you’re reading this and are unsure of where to start with your c4 giving, consider making a contribution to WDN Action today. The earlier you do so, the more impact you’ll have

Join us with a contribution today! 

Early money is also critical for 501(c)(3) efforts to protect democracy and ensure free and fair elections. Our c3 sibling organization Women Donors Network is a proud participant in the All in by April campaign.


Finding Actionable Hope in Today's Political Context, and WDN Action's Role


First Quarter C4 Funding: $5.3 Million to the Field